Policies > Supervision and Travel Policy
Nenagh Hockey Club Supervision and Travel Policy
Nenagh Hockey Club is fully committed to safeguarding the well-being of all its participants and will endeavour to create a safe environment for all individuals involved in our sport.
As part of this commitment we set out the Club guidelines for supervision of children during Club Activities:
There is an extra responsibility on adults when they transport young people to events. Under no circumstances should coaches provide transport to underage players.
Parents should also ensure that supervisors/coaches are at the pitch and training will be taking place before they leave the car-park.
General Supervision
Good practice dictates that a coach/volunteer should try to ensure that more than one adult is present at all sessions. This will help to ensure the safety of the children as well as protect adults.
All coaches/supervisors/adults should avoid being left alone with young players. If a coach/volunteer needs to talk separately to a participant this should be done in an open environment, in view of others.
All coaches / volunteers should not be left alone with young people at the end of a training session. Clearly state times for start and finish of training and / or competitions. If late collections occur leaders should remain in pairs until participants have left. It is the responsibility of parents/ guardians to make arrangements for collection of young people, it should be made clear that the club is responsible only for club activities.
If a child suffers an injury or accident the parents/guardians should be informed.
Away Trips
All away trips will be attended by two parents per team (not including coaches / managers of the teams). Where no parents can travel – the trip does not go ahead.
Written permission of parents/guardians should be obtained for all overnight away trips, this should include permission to travel, behaviour agreement and any medical/special needs of the group, (including permission to treat the participant). The agreement should be signed by both parents and participants.
Information will be sent to all parents and participants prior at least a week prior the travel day to communicate travel times, competition details, other activities, gear requirements, special needs (medical or dietary), and any other necessary details, contact details, codes of conduct, etc.
All adults who travel on away trips should be carefully chosen, using the recruitment and selection procedure of this code and be Garda Vetted.
The roles and responsibilities of adults participating in away trips should be clearly defined.
On away trips, coaches should be accountable to the “Trip Organiser” in all non-performance related matters.
Adults should not share a room with a child. Where the presence of an adult is needed there should be more than one child in the room with the adult.
Alcoholic drink, smoking and other illegal substances/activities are forbidden to participants. Coaches / Volunteers should act as role models in this respect practice.