Policies > Children’s Officers and Designated Persons Roles and Responsibilities
Nenagh Hockey Club Children’s Officers and Designated Persons Roles and Responsibilities
National Designated Person / Club Designated Person
Designated persons are responsible for dealing with any concerns about the protection of children. The Designated Person is responsible for reporting allegations or suspicions of child abuse to Health Services Executive or Social Services (NI) and/or An Garda Siochana/PSNI. Every club should appoint a Designated Person even if the club does not have a youth section. Children’s Officers should review current policies in relation to young people, check that all activities are safe and fun, and inform adults of how to deal with any concerns that may arise in relation to the protection of young people. While it is recommended that each organisation/club appoints a Children’s Officer and a Designated Person, if a club is unable to recruit suitable individuals for both posts, one person can be appointed to take on the role of Club Children’s Officer and Club Designated Person provided they understand and agree to take on the responsibilities attached to both positions.
The Club Designated Person should:
Have knowledge of the Code of Ethics and Statutory guidelines.
Have a knowledge of categories and indicators of abuse.
Be prepared to undertake training in relation to child protection.
Be familiar with and able to carry out reporting procedures as set out in the Code of Ethics and Good Practice in Children’s Sport and in Hockey’s Code of Conduct for Young People.
Communicate with parents and/or agencies as appropriate.
Assist with the ongoing development and implementation of clubs child protection training needs.
Be aware of local contacts and services in relation to child protection – contact list included in Hockey’s Code of Conduct for Hockey for Young People.
Inform local duty social worker in the Health Services Executive Local Area Board/local Social Services and/or An Garda Siochana/PSNI of relevant concerns about individual children, using Standard Report Form.
Advise Club Administrators on strategies to deal with poor practice and bullying concerns
Advise Club Administrators on issues of confidentiality/record keeping/data protection.
The Designated Person of affiliated clubs and groups should report suspected abuse in relation to Sports Leaders or persistent poor practice to the National Designated Person who will then have the responsibility of advising the organisation of ways to ensure that other clubs are protected from re-occurrence of situations of abuse.
Club Children’s Officers
The appointment of Club Children’s Officers is an essential element in the creation of a quality atmosphere for young people in any club. They act as a resource to members with regard to children’s issues and also ensure that children have a voice in the running of the club and can talk freely about their experiences. Government guidelines advise that a children’s officer should be appointed by all clubs and this should be done in accordance with recommended selection and recruitment procedures. The appointment of this person should be carried out in consultation with juvenile members and their parents/guardians. The Children’s Officer should be on the Management Committee or have access to the Management Committee. The Children’s Officer should have the following functions:
To promote the Code of Ethics & Good Practice
To familiarise with Children First and Our Duty to Care to ensure they can act as an information source to other members of the organisation
To influence policy and practice and prioritise children’s needs
To ensure that children know how and whom they can report their concerns to within the club. Information disclosed by a child should be dealt with in accordance with the guidelines in the Code of Ethics for Hockey for Young People
To encourage the participation of parents/guardians in club activities
To co-operate with parents to ensure that each child enjoys his/her participation in hockey
To act as a resource with regard to best practice in children’s hockey
To report regularly to the club management committee
To monitor changes in membership and follow up on any unusual drop-out, absenteeism or club transfers by children or coaches/volunteers
Children’s Officers/Designated Officers do not have the responsibility of investigating or validating child protection concerns within the club and have no counselling or therapeutic role. This responsibility lies with the Health Services and the Gardai. For contact details of National and Branch Children’s Officers and Designated Persons, click on http://www.hockey.ie/contentPage/133025/contact_details