Policies > COVID 19 Policy
COVID 19 Policy
Due to COVID 19 procedures and restrictions, the following guidelines will be adopted by Nenagh Hockey Club for the 2021-22 season, as per Hockey Ireland and HSE guidelines.
Government and HSE guidelines to apply at all times and these guidelines for training are subject to change.
All players, volunteers and coaches must complete the online health check form 2 hours before the start of each training. If there is a change, please notify Catherine Cornally on 089 439 1837.
It is advised that all players using the pitch bring their own sanitiser and wipes.
All players must sanitise hands on entering and exiting the pitch with the hand sanitiser provided inside gate of pitch/their own sanitiser and then proceed immediately to their designated training pod/area.
All players should enter through the gate nearest to their training area on the pitch.
Players should not move between training areas. Training groups will be put in groups of 15, including any coaches (known as a pod). Where a training group has more than one pod, players and coaches must remain in their pod and not interact with the other pod.
Players/parents should not congregate outside the gate and should observe social distancing at all times from arrival in the carpark to departure from the carpark. Parents should remain in their cars unless they need to speak with a coach or bring a younger player to check in.
All players, volunteers and coaches must log attendance with the Covid Officer as they enter the pitch.
Players should only enter the pitch at their designated time and must leave promptly once their training is over.
Social distancing to be adhered when possible on the pitch, respecting the 2 metres guidelines.
Strictly no touching of the goals, balls, cones or other shared equipment.
Strictly no sharing of hockey sticks.
Strictly no use of dugouts.
No spitting on the pitch.
If players have hockey bags or other gear with them, this should be left at the side of the pitch at least 2 metres away from that of other players and kept near their training area. Players should aim to bring the minimum amount of gear as possible - ideally a hockey stick, gum shield, shin pads, jacket and water bottle only.
Water bottles should not be shared under any circumstance.
Players should arrive in their kit for training.
Players should ensure they have been to the toilet before training, toilets are unlikely to be open.
Players, volunteers and coaches must not use the pitch if they:
Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Have been overseas or exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
Are showing any symptoms of Covid 19.
Please remember, our ability to continue to operate as a club during this time is dependent on us keeping COVID19 out of the club. If in doubt, please stay at home!
Once you have read and agree with this policy, please click here to complete your health check. This will need to be done for each player, volunteer and coach!